In this place dwell projects which students made by themselves for: fun, crossing boundaries, boredom, the need to save the world, personal experimentation*.
Here you show what you're doing within the confines of your own four walls, and because these are spectacular works, we will glady display them on our site.
*delete as appropriate
Star Wars themed table football made from plywood and PVC pipes, the lightsaber handlebars and football players printed in 3D - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński, Nicolas Rauber
Star Wars themed table football made from plywood and PVC pipes, the lightsaber handlebars and football players printed in 3D - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński, Nicolas Rauber
Star Wars themed table football made from plywood and PVC pipes, the lightsaber handlebars and football players printed in 3D - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński, Nicolas Rauber
Star Wars themed table football made from plywood and PVC pipes, the lightsaber handlebars and football players printed in 3D - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński, Nicolas Rauber
Automatic feeder for cats built from a used chips can, operated by Arduino - Mike Ryan
WÓŚP bike - Mike Ryan, Nicolas Rauber
WÓŚP bike - Mike Ryan, Nicolas Rauber
WÓŚP bike - Mike Ryan, Nicolas Rauber
Boeing 737-800 model plane built from soundproofing foam for floor panels - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński, Nicholas Rauber
Boeing 737-800 model plane built from soundproofing foam for floor panels - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński, Nicholas Rauber
Pinball (flipper) for two players with a coin slot for two PLN coins - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński
Pinball (flipper) for two players with a coin slot for two PLN coins - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński
Pinball (flipper) for two players with a coin slot for two PLN coins - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński
Pinball (flipper) for two players with a coin slot for two PLN coins - Mike Ryan, Iwo Wrzesiński
Dance floor made from LED lights and multi-chamber polycarbonate (used to make roofs for sheds of different types) - Mike Ryan
Wiktor Zantowicz – budzik dla niesłyszącej koleżanki
Wiktor Zantowicz – budzik dla niesłyszącej koleżanki
Wiktor Zantowicz – budzik dla niesłyszącej koleżanki