Project description

"For the time of final exam (matura) preperations programme is launched! During next few weeks Metro television is going to transmit cycle of television lessons supporting high school students in final exam preperations. Coorganiser of the project is W.I.E.M social initiaive. Classes will be transmitted from Monday to Friday, between 11.30-13.00.

""project starts on 22 April. Classes will be transmitted from Monday to Friday on Metro television channel, open-access to all high school students. Auditions will be emitted for four consecutive weeks and they will support students in final exam preperations.

"We are pleased to be part of this project and cocreate it with such engaged educators. I believe that each initiative supporting kids and teachers in this extraordinary situation is extremely precious. Today, beyond divisions, we -as nationwide television station- aim to help high school students in possible best comprehension of the curriculum. I feel strongly that by faciliating Metro television station for lesson, which we named "" we will provide youth with real support. "" will be given by teachers themselves in home environment. First and foremost we are focusing of seniors who are in most difficult situation. Our programme includes basic final exam subjects taught according to Polish National Curriculm." -says  Maciej Świerzawskithe head of Metro Television

Classes will be transmitted from Monday to Friday, between 11.30-13.00not to colide with classes given by teachers in online education programmes organised by schools. Lesson will be divided in three subject blocks. First, from 11.30 to 12.00, is dedicated to mathematics revision and excercise practice. Nest, from 12.00 to 12.30, polish lessons will be transmitted. The last subject block, from 12.30 to 13.00, will consist of either biology, chemistry or english. Rerun of the audition will be at 9.00 the following day.

"The idea of this project emerged from inspiration to support students. Thanks to networks of teacher cooperation, that I participate in and cocreate, we have succesfully gathered a group of educators eager to share their knowledge and experience." -says Oktawia Gorzeńskamember of social initiative "Knowledge. Innovation. Education. Motivation" (polish:"Wiedza. Innowacja. Edukacja. Motywacja”). Founders of W.I.E.M engage in many educational projects, including launching classes transmisstions in Metro televison.

All materials for students are prepared according to effective curriculum and guidlines from Polish Ministry of Education. Specific programme timetable is regularly actualised on Metro television website and social media profile. All episodes of "" will be cost-free available at Player.

What we did is create a community. We have various competences, passions and experiences. We are connected by one thing: joy of teaching and need of coming to help. Especially to students taking final exams this year, who finish high school on 24 April. We want to help them prepare for final exams." -explaines Anna Rzepa from W.I.E.M.


Press material from TVN


Innovation Lab of High School no. 3

We are working in areas where there aren't any new solutions yet and old ones are out-of-date.

ideas, teams, processes and solutions.
