21 September 2019 Anna Rzepa


"Mr Stanisław - School in Space"

From 2016 to 2019, fourteen students from Junior High School no. 1 in Lębork (currently Primary School in Lębork) participated in the second edition of a school project, which popularizes knowledge about the universe. "Mr Stanisław - School in Space" was created and coordinated by Anna Rzepa and Barbara Cieślak with cooperation with teachers from Junior High School no.1, scientists, institutions, foundations, private subjects and friends of the youth.

W projekcie brali udział:

1. Agata Steciuk

2. Amelia Mielewczyk

3. Kacper Dąbrowa

4. Filip Erni

5. Dobrosław Knut

6. Klaudia Majewska

7. Emiliya Negrya

8. Milena Nema

9. Szymon Malek

10. Piotr Tasior

11. Kinga Kuczwalska

12. Alicja Gajda

13. Agnieszka Miks

It is worth to notice that the project is a continuation of the first edition from 2013, which was carried out with students born in the year 2000. The project received multiple awards and was presented on national and international conferences.

The second edition, because of its characteristics connected with the fact that it was created for the needs of directing the Mediolia documentary "Underage Engineers," was divided into two sections:

a) popularno – naukową, w skład której wchodziła:

1.Symulacja misji księżycowej “Youth for the moon” w habitacie Lunares. Była to pierwsza w Europie Edukacyjna Misja Kosmiczna, autorstwa dr. Agaty Kołodziejczyk (pracującej podczas trwania eksperymentu w Europejskiej Agencji Kosmicznej)

2. Współpraca z zespołem Pani Inny Uwarowej PW SAT 2, w ramach której uczniowie mogli zbudować prosty model żagla, korzystając ze wskazówek naukowców z Politechniki Warszawskiej

3. Próba stratosferyczna w Centrum Badan Kosmicznych w Borowcu i testowanie modelu żagla (za proces odpowiadali: Pan Paweł Lejba Kierownik Centrum Badan Kosmicznych w Borówcu, Maciej Jakimiec Fundacja Copernicus Project, Grzegorz Daszykowski PW SAT2)

4. Obserwacja namierzania radiowego satelity PW- SAT 2, po wysłaniu go na orbitę.

a) fabularną realizowaną na potrzeby filmu zawierającą:

1.HUET – szkolenie i ucieczkę z trenażera tonącego śmigłowca   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHN1uQjHDjU

2. Ćwiczenia na symulatorze łodzi zrzutowej     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHN1uQjHDjU

3.Symulacje na mostku kapitańskim

4.Loty w tunel aerodynamicznym Freeflycentre w Lesznie      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9KPpc9nD00

(The first three training sessions from the featured section were organized by Captain Mirosław Orzeszek from the Gdynia Maritime School)

All activities connected with the popular-science and the featured section were possible only due to one reason: young people had incredible luck when they came across all those people who shared their work with them and, most importantly, offered the students their free time.

Kind thanks to all above mentioned friends of the youth.

We thank Adrian Stawicki for the help in preparing graphics, branding materials and films.

Kind thanks also to Lucyna Racis, Iza Woszczyło, Iwa Arendt, Kasia Kurzydło and Wiesław Rutkiewicz for their help, support and high professional integrity.

Ania Rzepa i Basia Cieślak


  1. Contributors Osoby.pdf163.96 KBj
  2. Schedule Harmonogram-prac-projekt-film.pdf208.64 KB
  3. Awards which the project received/ Confereces PS-nagrody-konf.pdf229.5 KB
  4. Presentation PAN-STANISLAW-pdf.pdf2.82 MB

Innovation Lab of High School no. 3

We are working in areas where there aren't any new solutions yet and old ones are out-of-date.

ideas, teams, processes and solutions.
